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Knitting with Sheep

October 9, 2020

Last November Clatter Ridge Farm set the world record for “The Most People Knitting In The Company of Sheep”.

Since we were the ones who conceptualized the challenge - we were assured the title, as long as someone, anyone, showed up. We had a total of 15 Clatter Ridge Farm set the world record for The Most People Knitting In The Company of Sheepknitters and 30 sheep. It was a wonderful couple of hours, and everyone, especially the sheep, made new friends.

We had no sooner earned our bragging rights, however, when a sheep farm in New York state announced they were planning to break our record...Probably due to Covid they haven't done so – yet... and so a year later we are still the undisputed champions and on November 1 we are planning to defend our title!

If you are interested in joining us you must pre-register at

Knitting with Sheep

Sunday Nov 1 from 12-2 in the sheep pasture at Hill-Stead Museum,

The event is free but reservations, face masks, social distancing and knitting needles are required.

Join us! When was the last time you set a world record?

Someone from Hill-Stead, asked me, somewhat rhetorically, “With everything we have all had to let go of this year- this is what's important to you?” My non rhetorical response was “Yes indeed!”.

Scheduled to take place, in the middle of a pandemic, and 2 days before this fractious election, it feels to me a bit like the band that continued to play as the Titanic sank.. We need more joy, and calmness, in our lives and we need it now more than ever. So yes, in answer to that question, – with everything that is going on – and everything that can't go on, lets hang onto the joy, the fun, the calm, and especially the serenity wherever we can.



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