November 18, 2022
There are many reasons we love our connection to Hill-Stead Museum. Initially, we just offered to buy them three sheep to bring “some life back” to their farm complex. The museum’s director, at the time, was quick to point out that it wasn’t just the cost of the sheep but the labor (and expense) of maintaining them every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. So, we took that on as well.
Hill-Stead’s founder, Theodate Pope Riddle, was as involved with her farm’s operations as she was running the rest of her household and its world class art collection. She was also, incidentally, a devout believer in spiritualism and the ability to connect with people in the afterlife. So, if she ever does find a way to visit us from the great beyond, I firmly believe she would be very pleased with what Anne and I have done - although I imagine she might question the decision to not bring back her beloved Guernsey cows as well.
We also love having the sheep so prominently displayed along the Rt 4 entrance to Farmington – or as Anne likes to say “Farming Town”. I remember as a kid when there were several farms in town, including a dairy farm on Main Street. My mom would lure us to church with promises of visiting the cows afterwards. Having our sheep so visible helps keep the town’s agrarian roots alive.
Our very public collaboration also gives people who might never be able to afford their own property, a visible example of another viable path towards farming. Between land trusts, parks, museums, commercial properties, and private homes, there are millions of acres that could benefit from being farmed, instead of just being mowed. There’s a lot of land available and a lot of people who would love to farm but think they can’t afford to. Leasing farmland is a wonderful option! We talk to hundreds of kids and young adults every year and we share the details of our arrangement with Hill-Stead. We try to encourage them to imagine farms where they don’t currently exist. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of imagination and some spirit to make it happen.
What was originally intended as an altruistic gift to Hill-Stead and the town, became a gift to ourselves as well. That commitment we made to Hill-Stead 20 years ago, in fact, ended up being the gateway to our own farming life and for that we will be forever grateful!
Sunday we will once again celebrate our connection to Hill-Stead and Hill-Stead‘s commitment to having a farm on the property with a “pumpkin chucking party.”
There will be hayrides to and from the barns, cider and donuts to enjoy, and lots of pumpkins to “smash and chuck” into the sheep pasture.
Tickets are available at